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Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard is one of those special books that you only come across once in a while. The kind that feels like a gift to your soul. I picked this one up after seeing it recommended in a Facebook group. I remember having heard the title before but didn't know anything about the book. I had no idea that this sweet little allegory would end up being so deeply profound. I feel like no matter where you are at in life or your walk with God, this book will meet you right there. It certainly did that for me, and nudged me ever so much closer to my Savior.
The story follows Much-afraid, a timid, crippled woman, as she sets off on a journey to the High Places. The Shepherd whom she so adores has promised her that in the High Places she will be different. She will no longer be held back by her physical disabilities or her fear and doubt. Along the way she faces detours, dangers, injury, and attacks from her family who hate that she's trying to get away to the High Places. But the Shepherd didn't send Much-Afraid on her own. He sent Sorrow and Suffering to journey with her. Along the way Much-Afraid learns to embrace Sorrow and Suffering, and finds that through the trials they face together she's able to more readily sacrifice her own will and desires in order to follow the Shepherd.
To me what makes this story so impactful is how personal it feels. This isn't just Much-Afraid's story of sanctification and transformation, it's all of ours. Hurnard's writing is simple, but poetic and profound. She weaves scripture and truth into every passage and it seemed to work as a balm on my weary heart.
By far the most uplifting thing I took away from this allegory is how the Shepherd never gave up on Much-Afraid. Sometimes he was stern, but no matter how many times she stumbled or clung to her fear and doubt, he always had loving compassion and sympathy for her. It was such a beautiful reminder of God's patience and faithfulness toward us. As someone who tends to overthink and worry and doubt, this book encouraged me to trust more in God's plan and to follow his path even if it might seem impossible to my human brain.
I heartily recommend that all Christians read Hinds' Feet on High Places. No matter where you are at in your Christian walk, this book has something for you. It will challenge and encourage you.
Have you read Hinds’ Feet on High Places? Let me know your favorite parts in the comments. I’d love to hear how this story inspired you!
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