
About Me

Hi, I'm Tricia and welcome to the At Home in Idlewild blog! 

I have loved reading for as long as I can remember, but I found that over the past decade my passion for reading had seriously dwindled. Two years ago I realized I hadn't read a single book in the previous year. I didn't want another year like that to go by, so for the past two years I've made it a mission to read as much as I can. In the process, my love for books and reading has been rekindled in a huge way. 

So that leads us to here, the At Home in Idlewild blog. I thought having a cozy corner of the internet where I could share the books I'm reading sounded like a splendid idea. 

So what do I read over here? Well, all kinds of things! I'm just interested in good stories, no matter the genre. But I do have a particular fondness for the classics, and historical fiction. Jane Eyre is my most favorite book. I also enjoy non-fiction, with an emphasis on theology and Christian living. And while I'm not always perfect at it, I try to avoid books that have "spicy" scenes or are excessively crude.  Oh, and because we homeschool around here, I'm usually reading something fun with my 12 year old son. 

If you'd like to connect with me, I'm always happy to talk about books, Jesus, or just lovely things in general. You can find me on Facebook, PinterestTwitter, Instagram, and Goodreads

You can also contact me at